
Advanced-LevelLanguageCourses·French0800:AdvancedFrenchinResidence·French1000:AdvancedFrench·French1212-AdvancedFrenchGrammarandComposition ...,...coursesinFrenchindisciplinesotherthanFrench.,Anexplorationofthepoeticsofnarrative,with ...,French&FrancophoneStudiesatPenn...CoursesofferedfromSummer2022forward.PreviousCourses.FrenchandFrancophon...


Advanced-Level Language Courses · French 0800: Advanced French in Residence · French 1000: Advanced French · French 1212- Advanced French Grammar and Composition ...

Courses for Spring 2024

... courses in French in disciplines other than French. https://coursesintouch.apps ..., An exploration of the poetics of narrative, with ...


French & Francophone Studies at Penn ... Courses offered from Summer 2022 forward. Previous Courses. French and Francophone Studies / 521 Williams Hall / 255 S.

Elementary & Intermediate French Courses

Intermediate Language Courses ... French 0300: Intermediate French I (Fall, Spring) 1 c.u.. French 0340: Intermediate French: Accelerated (Spring, Summer) 2 c.u..

French & Francophone Studies at Penn

Penn students interested in French can start learning French in the beginning level, or continue their studies in the appropriate course after determining their ...

French (FREN) < University of Pennsylvania

This course will provide an introduction of the basic structures of French, with intensive work on speaking and listening designed to prepare students to take ...

French and Francophone Studies, BA

French and Francophone Studies introduces students to the full span of historical and cultural traditions from France and the French-speaking world.

Language Courses

Language Courses · Students wishing to fulfill the language requirement in French must complete the Intermediate II level (French 0400). · The number of courses ...

Major in French & Francophone Studies

The major consists of 12 French courses 1000 and above. All courses must be taken in French, with the possible exception of Major-related courses.